Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Silly Smile On My Face

Today I met an old friend of mine on Face Book. We used the chat function for close to an hour and when I had to rush off to pick up my son from school, my five year old asked me in the car: why do you have that silly smile on your face mama?

I started to laugh.
I had just been going back in time, remembering the "good old days".

My friend was back in the days a master of sarcasm and he had kept it up pretty good I have to admit. I on the other hand, felt like I had slacked off but since I don't speak much of Swedish anymore, I guess I can blame it on lack of practice.

Anyways, I had a great time on FB with my old friend and I felt so uplifted and happy afterwards, and I don't mind having a Funny Smile on my face at all.
Thanks Andreas!

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