Woke up at 4:45am and got a quick cup of coffee before waking the kids up and got them ready. Sissi was not very happy to wake up this early, about 6 hours or more before she normally gets out of bed. But we had asked her take us to the terminal and drop us off so she did, of course!!
We had been told to be at the terminal about 2.5 hours before takeoff but when we came there the doors were closed and not a soul in sight.
Syssa who was very upset over missing Sissi already sat down at the S sign on the compass rose, put her photo album and picture up of her and Sissi and sat there and mourned for a good while. I had to tell her to put it away so she could dry her tears and start think of something else.
When the people working there finally showed up, there’s something wrong and they thought we couldn’t go all the way for some reason, but I think it was all figured out after five or six of them put their heads together and stared at the computer….
Dinah, Sara Jo and Savannah had come to wave us goodbye, oh I’m so thankful for such wonderful friends!!!
We were taken by a van out to the plane and got to go in and find us some seats. And I’ll tell you… Those seats are not bad. I had heard and pictured in my mind that it would be horrible but I prefer these seats over regular commercial airplane seats any day.
Matt, one of the load masters gave us the briefing flight attendants usually do, you know, what happens if the cabin pressure drops and stuff like that. One of the other new loadmasters, Heather told me how to use the bathroom, and just a minute ago Syssa and tried it for the first time, not too bad!
The only main complaint I had was the noise, it is LOUD!!! Ear plugs don’t do much to block it out, it’s almost impossible to hear what people say, you have to talk right by their ear.
While writing this I think we’re about half way to Georgia and I know that the peace and the amount of room to roam around on will end there. 30 or so Army guys are going to join us for tomorrow’s flight so here in a minute Dale will take us up one at the time to the flight deck and show us what he does. Exciting!!!
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