Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Other Sad Day For Love.

Yesterday as the 31 state in the union, Maine voted NO to allow gays the same right as every one else, to love and commit to an other person, in sickness and health, in rich or poor.
It's some what surprising to me, I thought Maine as a NE more open minded state would reject the conservative narrow minded view, but I was wrong.

My take on the issue is to scrap the marriage word and go for civil unions all across the board. It will give the gays and lesbians the same rights under the law and that's the most important step. What it's called is up to what ever you want to call it.

I don't for a second think that the Christian right (who is neither Christians or right, if you ask me) will let that pass either, because to them, you have to live the way they preach, they just can't deal with anything less than that.

If we don't want to live in a theocracy much like what we see in the middle east, now is the time to stand up against these people. You know they will not step back until they have a country based on what they think is biblical grounds.
A vast majority of them have no idea what biblical grounds are, since they have never read the bible and understood the trouble they are asking for, but that's an other subject.

Ask yourself, do I want the government telling me who I can love? Is my marriage really that fragile that it's threatened by a couple of the same gender down the street living a quiet suburb life just like I do? If so, maybe your marriage needs counseling?


Anonymous said...

Den största frågan som cirkulerar just nu. Jag skulle vilja fundera mer på djupet av denna fråga: vad är det som gör en människa homosexuell? Jag kan inte låta bli att fundera över det faktum att nästan varje person, som jag har hört är homosexuell, har också haft en taskig uppväxt. Antingen har någon föräldrafigur varit frånvarande under uppväxttiden, eller så har det förekommit incest/sexuella övergrepp. Jag tycker mig se det som ett mönster. Så, dessa människor söker också kärlek, eller söker de kompensation för det som blivit brustet i deras tidiga barndom av trygghet, närhet och kärlek från föräldrar? Det är den största katastrofen att bli sexuellt utnyttjad som barn, men varför växer sedan många av dessa upp och blir förespråkare för ett mer frigjort sexuellt leverne, som för mig inte är samma som kärlek?

C E C I L I A said...

My marriage does not need counseling. And no, I would not feel threatened by a gay couple living their quiet life down the street. I very much disagree with you though. Marriage (word as well as meaning) is a Christian institution. It's a Biblical institution and its very core is man+woman=right. Where I disagree is when gay people make claims for a tradition/institution that actually does not reflect the way that they are living. For all I care they can have the same legal rights and obligations towards each other and "the same right as every one else, to love and commit to another person, in sickness and health, in rich or poor" (all of that is actually up to themselves although statistics show that gay people are a lot more in and out of relationships than straight people. A behavior that is, btw, unhealthy in itself). Why do they insist on calling their union “marriage”? Why not choose another word instead? A word/institution that is equal to marriage in the eyes of the law, only it is their own and describes/reflects the way that they choose to live. And the rest of us who wants to live according to the Bible can be free to do that. This way, there will be no/less confusion.

Home Swede Home said...

svar til anonymous, först, tack för att du läst min blogg, välkommen till min lilla värld!
Jag känner kanske inte samma homosexuella människor som du, men inga av de jag känner är förespråkare för ett mer frigjort sexuellt leverne än jag. De är alla i fasta relationer, många har varit "gifta" längre än jag. Många har oxå haft fler än en relation, men det har flertalet av mina icke homosexuella vänner oxå.

Vad jag vänder mig mot är intresset av att försöka förklara anledningen till varför man är på ett sätt eller ett annat.

Spelar det nån roll? Kanske vi bara är skapta på ett sätt eller ett annat?

Jag älskar leverpastej, kaviar, sill och blodpudding. Är det pga nåt som hänt i min barndom eller är det bara så att mina smaklökar anser dem behagliga i smaken?

Bara för att nån har annorlunda smak än jag, ger det mig rätten att säga att de inte har samma rättigheter som jag?

Home Swede Home said...

To Cecilia,
Thanks for commeting on my bogg, and welcome to my world!!

The bible talks very very little abour marriage and not in the terms we're using it in our society. Marriage is not a Christian institution more than it is muslim, hindu, buddist or atheist institution.

If you look on statistics in our country for the last 10 years, the divorse rate is about 53% and rising. The evengelicals are even slightly higher in their divorse rate, but I would never dare to say that evangelicals are more in and out of relations than the "normal" population, even though the statistics are telling me so.

Paul says there is a few times when divorse is allowed, but I doubt that those reasons he states are the reasons for the high divorse rate among Christians.

But as you said in your comment and as I wrote in my blogg, let's skip the word marriage, since it's so loaded and call it something else. And it makes me happy that we agree that the gays and lesbians should enjoy the same legal rights and obligations as you and I in our marriages.

best regards,