An Army guy has been shot dead outside a recruiting center here in AR and an other wounded, how badly I'm not sure, lets hope not life threatening.
On the very first news about the story it said it could been religious and political motives that caused the suspect killer to do what he did.
We later found out that the guy that fired the shots is a Muslim, an American born, guy that used to be a regular Joe, converted to Islam and now is a Muhammad something.
We don't know more than that, really.
But today on the news he's all of a sudden a Muslim extremist.
He might very well be a Muslim extremist, but he don't have to be, he can just be a wacko, or an idiot or a what ever, that happens to be a Muslim, right?
The other day a doctor was shot during church by a man who claimed he shot the man because he's a doctor performing abortions. The doctor had been targeted before, his clinic bombed. What that doctor used his medical skills for is questionable for sure. I read he performed late term abortions, something I totally disagree with, there must be other solutions for women being pregnant in a late state, right? But the laws are allowing late term abortions in some states and I guess he was performing them in a state where it's allowed. The man who killed the doctor didn't agree with that law so he decided to make the doctor quit on his own. A pro life guy that kills... don't make much sense does it?
No one in the press called him a Christian extremist though. I'm pretty sure he's of some faith, don't you? By the standard used to describe the soldier killer here in AR he's a religious extremist, right?
There are wackos everywhere that take other people's lives, some are of faith, some on mind twisting drugs, and some just mentally troubled and ALL of them need to be put away.
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