As all of you following my blog know, I'm not very happy with the school system. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I like the conservative view of government and I favor a liberal view on social and lifestyle issues. I want government out of my wallet and every day life which includes mine and everyone else bedroom!
So don't come and holler at me and tell me "yeah, it's because it's a liberal at the White House" or it's all "that moron W's" fault, when I tell you what I'm about to say now.
I strongly believe it doesn't matter what label is on the guy or gal at the White House no more, I think they serve a bigger agenda that is not for them to question. But back to what I was about to rant on today...
At the "not" State Of the Union address the other week one thing Obama said made me jump. He was talking about the school reform and he said as a promise, that America again will have the best education program for our children from their birth to they graduate from College.
Did you see something worth jumping for in that sentence? If not you're almost lost already I'm afraid. He said FROM THEIR BIRTH...
Today I was listening to Ed Schultz show on the radio. A very progressive voice in the other wise very conservative clutter of talk radio. I don't really know what the topic was but he was talking about the new Secretary of Education. Don't ask me what her name is, I have no idea, but he was saying that he knows why Obama picked her, they are on the same page when it comes to reform for the education system... And again if you read my blog you know I'm a big supporter of education reform, but probably not even close to the same kind of reform they are talking about.
He said that the kids need to spend more time at school learning, way more time than now. Saying adults just get 2 weeks off per year, why should kids have all that time off, they should be in school longer and the parents get to see their kids during the weekend.
I know what he was trying to get to, we fall behind every year to the Asian countries when it comes to education, so I know his intentions were good, he wants more learning to take place. But what he doesn't understand is that the way he promotes learning is what's going to bring us down as a people.
We need less school not more, way less school.
The less of government involvement in our families, the better.
Fellow parents, we need to be on alert here, good intentions are not always leading to good results.
We all remember when Kindergarten was voluntary, half day, coloring fun, right?
Now they are promoting universal Pre-K. Again sounding good, but is the result really that great.
I once joked about it and said, Before long the government is going to snatch the baby the second you push it out, but I'm telling you, the joke could become reality soon if we're not on alert.
I sometimes get wrapped up in conspiracy thinking, and hopefully that's all that there is, but I'm not so sure this time.
My husband and I were talking the other day about what you really need to know,what school really need to teach a child. The first things are easy, reading, writing and arithmetics... but after that?
Is it really important to know when the Boston Tea Party took place or is the WHY the Tea Party took place the important?
History is always important or you're doomed to repeat the mistakes again, but can you function as a citizen without knowing when Columbus sailed the Ocean blue?
We as parents can teach our children the basics, the know hows to make it in every day life, can't we? We don't need 7.5 hours of school time every day to make that happen. We all could totally home school our kids till they reach the age where they know what they want to do in life, and when they know what interests them. Then we send them to school for what ever they want to learn. I'd guess that time will occur at different time for different children but I'd guess sometime around the age of 12-14.
Does school do something more than teach our children, does school also form the kind of citizen the government want? Does school instead for teaching our children, dumb them down?
I heard someone on the radio saying, for the first time ever we now have raised high school kids totally unaware of the world around them. If they have their cell phones and IPods you can take every right away from them and they won't even know it, and even worse, won't even care.
Is that the goal of government interference in our children's life at an earlier and earlier age?
and what are we going to do about it?
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