Wednesday, January 28, 2009

digging the Duggar's?

TLC or The Learning Chanel, owned by Discovery, does shows about strange phenomenons, people born without half their bodies, people that gave birth to sextuplets, mysterious growths on people living in a third world country that comes over here and gets help.

All kind of odd hardships and weired curve balls that life give people and how they cope with it.

But one of the shows they show stick out from the rest.

This is about a family that because they are driven by twisted religious believes bring upon them self to give birth to child after child after child.

To support their continually growing family they sold them self to the network and now whoever is interested can go watch on TV the every day life of 18 children that never gets to watch TV at all. Whoever wants to can go on the network's website and play the game "name that Duggar" where you have to match the child's picture to the correct J starting name, children that them self never gets to be on a computer.

The mom of the 18 children says it's not that hard to raise that many children, shortly after she admits that her only responsibility is the infant, the rest of the young children are taken care of by their older siblings.

These children are home schooled, nothing wrong with that at all. But when you count in to the consideration that the children have NO access to TV or computers, and are just allowed to listen to one kind of music, they go to a church which consists of their own family and one other family with the same child productivity views, considering all that, one has to realize that the children are totally blocked from any other view of life than the one of their parents.

Where are the Child Protection Agency when you need them?

Isn't it bad enough that the children live in a bubble strictly guarded by the parents. Do they have to have their lives exploited for money by the parents so they can support their twisted lifestyle on a TV network?

The oldest son just got married to a girl from a similar family construction and on the website you can go and read and see everything about their wedding. With all likablility he continues in his father's footsteps because that's the only way of life he's ever been allowed to see.
What network will sign up to exploid his children?


Anonymous said...

I think that you are wrong in assuming that these children need child protective services. Have you ever seen them malnurished or not properly clothed. I don't think so. Child services needs to care for the children whose parents don't care if they live or die. Trust me there are plenty of them out there.

Home Swede Home said...

I agree with you that there are so many children out there that really need protection and don't get it. But at the same time there are plenty of children that wrngfully are taken from their parents for reasons I can't understand. AParent leaving her child in the car for 2 minutes while dropping off donations to the Salvation Army lost custody for 2 months in TX last year for example.
And with that in mind I think instead of gloryfing what the Duggars do by keeping their children cut of from the rest of the world while exploiting them on national TV, is just plain wrong!

Would we be as understanding and supporting if the Duggars were of a Hindu faith?

Anonymous said...

You need to get a life. Learn how to spell, and write.

Future Mrs. N said...

perhaps you should do some research before judging these people.

computer access, while limited, is allowed. they visit wholesome, family-oriented websites without monitoring. if they need to visit a website that is normally blocked, they get a password from Michelle or Jana to be allowed to visit it. they have quite a few internet-ready computers in their home.
they did not sell themselves to TLC to support their family. they support their family through many commercial real estate sites. they have been debt free for many, many years & have said many times that money is not the reason they started this show. they started the show to share their faith.
the children are NOT blocked from "any other view of life than the one of their parents." they visit many different places around the United States & are exposed to plenty of different "views of life".

uneducated, ignorant blog entries like yours are the reason that so many people have such a warped view of the Duggars' lifestyle. please remember that anyone can access the things that you write, and therefore, can form an opinion, without knowing that you are wrong in your information.