Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gloomy Weather, Gloomy Thoughts

It's rainy, cold, foggy, and the kind of weather that usually would make me feel cosy and homey.

But not so today.

There are a lot of things on my mind that makes the weather fit in as a miserable decor in my pathetic play of life.

-My very best friend are moving away, not just to the town next door or even the state next door, but across the country.

-My Dear Hubby is leaving for a tour to defend his country across the globe at the same time my friend moves.

-Hillary and McCain won NH

-I had to give away two of our pretty roosters

-My thighs hurt from exercising, and I'm freezing my fingers off


Anonymous said...

I wish i was there to help lift you up!! Just be thankfull it's not august and hotter than you know what. When is everyone leaving? We will keep dear hubby in our thoughts! And of course you and the kiddos!! When your world slows down, just give a shout for a long distance fica!
love to all-katw.

Home Swede Home said...

thank you soooo much Kathy, I will pick up on that fika here soon! I miss those good times(=
And actually, I plan to take the kids on a spring break trip down to the area, maybe we then can have a face to face fika!!
puss och kram

Anonymous said...

My good looking cousin!
Wish I could be there with you looking and laughing at some old, fun Galenskaparna, drink coffee, play some skip-boo and eat Ahlgrens bilar... : )

love you!