Friday, May 18, 2007

Impatient Americans

The media reports that Americans grow more and more impatient with the war in Iraq and want to see an end to it sooner rather than later. well... daah

What I don't understand is what exactly they are impatient about, is it the long coverage and the massive focus on Iraq on the news every day both on TV and in the papers, or that it takes to much time from our elected officials in Washington DC?

Because to be honest, this is not a war that in any way affects the normal American family if you're not military or employed by any of the contractors working over there.

Today the death toll of American military personnel rose to over 3,400. More than 25,000 have been injured.
That is of course not more than a spit in the ocean compared to the deaths among the Iraqis.

But what I'm saying is that if you don't have family members fighting in the war or working over there you're not affected at all by this war so what are the big majority being so impatient about?

I think it's time to make this war a war for every American not just the servicemen and women and their families, war.
Let's bring back the war taxes, they've been used in previous wars with great success.
Let's put a 10% earned income tax on every American that are not in uniform, for as long as this war lasts.
This tax would pay for the war, pay down our deficit, and it would give every American a sense of participation in the war and yes, maybe it would also put a pressure on this administration to get us out of this mess.


Annika said...

Who knows, there might soon be a Swedish female president running the US ;o)

No, but seriously. It is difficult to understand what it must feel like, having a family member participating in a war. Especially when it is war that no one seems to support, only the government.

May there soon be a new government running the US.

Home Swede Home said...

thanks for your support! and very welcome to my blog, you inspired me to start!

Annika said...

Oooo....*blushing*, I don't think I've ever inspired anyone in my life... Will you remember me when you are president?

Home Swede Home said...

sure, the only problem with the president thing is that you have to be American born to run for president. But I could for sure run for Governor (: