Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Homesick and Craving a Beer

My husband has to go to on a trip and he's going to have a short stop in Germany so he asked me if there's anything I need him to bring back from there. I had to think for a while and then it hit me.... bring back some beer please. I don't necessary need German beer, but maybe he can find me some Danish Carlsberg, Dutch Heineken or even better some Swedish Pripps Blå.
After we talked about the beer and what else there are to bring back my thoughts started to wander off, and I remembered the beer commercials in Sweden....

I wasn't even drinking beer at the time but the Pripps Blå commercial could easily have turned me into an alcoholic and I remembered craving that beer and wishing I'd like the taste of it just because the wonderful commercials.

I have no idea if their commercials are as good today as they were back in the 90's but the breweries over here need to go on a field trip to the PR departments over at Pripps. I have still not found a American brewed beer that I absolutely can get a crave for as I can for a Corona or a Heineken but maybe I haven't really looked that hard either.

At the Super Bowl every year I've come as far as I now come and watch the half time show and the commercials and of course I always want to see the new Budweiser thing, and they are funny sometimes, I give them that, but nothing makes my throat dry and my body ache for a beer as a lot of European beer commercials do.

Now when the summer approaches I sometimes get that homesick feeling deep down in my stomach, but then I remember that whenever I get the chance to go to there I realize that the Sweden I miss doesn't exist anywhere but in my memories.


Björn Asserhed said...

Its a good thing when memories can be tied to external objects. Like pictures and texts. Makes you part of the story with a capital S.

Här bor nu allt det jag minns och bevarar,
dagar jag levt och dom vänner jag saknar
nätter då ljuset aldrig tog slut
och minnet av dig då
är det minnet som består, dina färger var blå


Jag fick sjunga den på McD på min svensexa 1996! Och jag förstår precis vad du menar.

I remember the freckles girl from the commercial. She is a symbol of summer.

Home Swede Home said...

Åh den kära Tommy Nilssons sexigt raspiga röst.

Jag minns kanske inte den fräkninga flickan men jag minns den lockiga mannen med fiskartröja.. och den goda, goda iskalla ölen.... nu måste jag springa och hämta en hink, min mun vattnas så.... nej, inte efter den lockhåriga, efter en öl!!!

Anonymous said...

Bah! Pripps beer is nothing compared to belgian Ale! :)
I'll admit though, the commercial is pretty darn good.

Annika said...

Hm, I really didn't crave anything when I lived in England... until I went to IKEA and found all the nice stuff: gingerbread, sill (herring), Ahlgrens bilar, Ballerinakex, salmon and gravlax sauce etc, etc. And when I got back to Sweden in February I realised that I had been living without leverpastej for too long!!!

Home Swede Home said...

yeah I know what you're talking about when it comes to all those food stuff.

Fortunatly I've found this really good online store called Sweden's best where I get all my herring, kaviar and bilar.

So food wise I don't really have to walk around suffering from withdrawl syndrom.

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