Oh, today it came...
The box of stuff from my mom and dad in Sweden.
As usual it was packed, taped, stringed and wrapped by my dad with a determination that would have made Houdini doubt his talent.
when I finally broke in to the big banana box it was loaded with stuff. My mom has been busy knitting socks and mittens to everybody. Erik hates wearing gloves and complained so mormor heard it that he wanted new mittens, like those mormor makes... So she did... 4 pair for Erik, 4 for Syssa and 4 pairs of socks for each too and also a beautiful button up sweater for Syssa.
Then there was a white hat, scarf and mittens that Sissi grabbed and claimed hers right away, so as I said she has stayed busy for a while.
The next layer of stuff was candy.... loads of candy, on bag of sweet, one of sour and one of liquorice. Add to that 2 huge bags of "skumtomtar" and 6 boxes of "viol", two bags of gum and two package of Singoalla cookies with liquorice.
Next layer; Cheese , five tubes of shrimp cheese and ham cheese.
Six dish brushes ( they are so expensive here so every year since I moved here my mom has supplied me with them)
Then came some wrapped presents not to be opened until Christmas, but I think I know what's in them all. My wonderful Aunt and Uncle always send me a crossword puzzle magazine and I think I saw it rolled up and wrapped this year as well.
So I sit down, overlooking everything, trying to take it all in, while popping a "skumtomte" in my mouth and then comes the overwhelming feeling when I smell it....
the smell of my mom and dad...
I'm 42 years old but at that moment I almost started crying for my mom.
All the candy and goodies are great but the best thing for sure was to sit down with one of my moms home knitted mittens and sniff the smell of home from across the ocean